Baby chicks pecking each other


Apr 6, 2021
How do I stop my baby chicks from pecking each other’s head feathers out ?

I have two 3 week old white crested black chicks that , bully the rest of the babies and they and only they do this

Update : I think I figured it out , the pecking really only stared when thier extra top head feathers started coming in , this likely led to a need for more prettier Tha. The 18% I was giving them , so I decided a quick solution would be to feed them some fresh turkey , they seem to really like it 
How many chicks do you have and how big is the brooder?
I had 8 polish bantams in the brooder , but I removed 1 due to a pecking Injury , the brooder is big enough for them to move, fly, jump, run around , and scratch in . I just noticed they when their head feathers started to come in they started pecking each other

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