Baby Chicks Settled In!


7 Years
Sep 25, 2012
Canton, Ohio
Picked up my 26 chicks this morning and got them all set up in the basement pantry. I have worried about a million different things since ordering them. So far so good. They are all eating, drinking, and very lively! And extremely adorable! My daughter's best friend wants to live with us now that she's seen them :)

They were not too happy with me sticking the iPad in there, lol!
And thanks guys, I really am surprised at how well this is going. All the reading on BYC has paid off. Time to get the kiddos up for school and check the fluffy butts!
What adorable little chicky poos...they're so fuzzy!

OMG kada your ducklings in the bathtub photos are to die for!

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