Baby Chicks- Which are the Silver Spangled Hamburgs?..Lots of pixs


9 Years
Nov 17, 2010
Our 15 spring peeps are here! 5 are mine and 10 are for my friend. But I can't figure out which two are the Silver Spangled Hamburgs (they are mine!). I would appreciate any help in trying to pick them out so I can work on taming them!

It was easy to identify the 4 with the feathered legs (Sultans and Salmon Favorelles), 1 Sex Link and the 2 dark brown Barnevelders!

The rest of my order from Meyers was:
3 Anconas
2 Appenzellers
2 Silver Spangled Hamburgs
1 Black Sumantra Rooster

I tried to take pictures of all of them but due to some serious bolting around the cage I did the best I could!!

Peeps 1 and 2: Two identical peeps with greyish feet. Both are very friendly. (Appenzellers or Hamburgs?)

Peeps 3 and 4:
They are not identical in color but they are the only other two that have greyish feet. (Appenzellers or Hamburgs?)

Peep 5, 6, 7, 8: All have pink feet and VERY hard to catch!! Some have black spots around the eyes. (Anconas and Sumantra?)
Is there a way to tell which one is the Sumantra? I couldn't catch them all!

Thank you for your help!!!!
4 sould have a rose comb and be your sumatra they have grey to black legs with yellow bottoms on the feet 5 and 7 should have a single comb and be your ancona i want to say 3 is the spitz might have an odd looking head on top maybe a little bump or the fluff looking odd and 1 and 2 the humbrugs with a flat looking comb at this point
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Peeps 1, 2, 3 looks like either Hamburgs and Spitzhaubens....they look alot alike LOL! The only thing stands the differences are the patterns of featherings, and comb shapes. If you see rose combs on those chicks, they are Hamburgs. The "mohawk" crests won't come in until nearly a couple weeks of age. I've got Spitz chicks, now are already in their two weeks old stage, haven't shown their crests yet. And the Spitz chicks would have larger nostril holes than the Hamburgs.

Peep 4 is definately NONE of the Hamburg or Spitz trait. Maybe Ancona or Sumatra.

Went back to take a good look....Peep 3 is definately a Spitzhauben. Need closer pics of Peeps 1, 2 when it comes to their beaks.
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Thanks! I will take some more pictures of 1 and 2. I hope those are the hamburgs...they are very sweet although they are already trying to fly!
Pictures! I have come to the conclusion that Meyers must have only sent one Spitzhauben....assuming that is what #3 is! There is just no other peep that looks just like her! I told me friend and she is OK with that. So if 1 and 2 are my hamburgs then that all peeps are semi-accounted for!! #4 must be the mystery substitution...

Thanks again!

Peep 1 and 2 head Peep 3 head

Peep 4 head


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