Baby duck has a weak neck!!

Sarah and Joey

In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 11, 2012
Hey, can anybody offer any advice.
We had baby aylesbury ducks hatch last week in the incubator, all seem fit and healthy and growing fast apart from one.
This little one is now 6 days old, and seemed fine to start with and then every time it had a drink it seemed to throw it's head so far back that it fell over backwards - at first we thought it was having trouble swallowing and thats why it was tipping its head so far back. Been feeding them on starter crumb and to begin with I've been mixing it with water until 2 days ago decided they were growing so quick tried them with it dry - they all seemed to be managing fine with this, even this one, until later that night when it seemed to almost choke on a piece of food!! We massaged its neck, gave it a drink and watched it closely for a hour, it seemed its normal self, still throwing its head back!! Had to go out to work all day yesterday, when we got back late last night I noticed that this one now had its head dropping forward and as it walked its head was tucked soo far under that it had rubbed almost a bald patch on the top of its head. It took it ages to settle down to sleep aswell, as though it just couldn't get comfy.
This morning it had it's neck drooped down again, but now could only walk backwards. The poor little thing looked very uncomfortable and I noticed it looked a little thinner than the others this morning, so wasn't sure if it had been able to feed itself at all yesterday with its head so low.
Took it out from the others, hand fed it today with food mashed up with water. It takes the food and water fine, when it's sat down it has no trouble lifting its head but when it stands it's head is once again tucked under its belly.
It hasn't been able to get comfy again all day in its own makeshift brooder box, hence has spent most of the day napping in my lap.
Have just let it have a little play and it has lifted its head and stumbled to the food and water to feed itself. It seemed alright (although struggling) for a few moments and then would drop its head and stumble backwards again. Finally got it settled for a nap in the box.
Does anybody know, does this sound like something that could be cured with just a couple of days of resting and extra TLC or does it sound like anything more serious??

Thanks for your help
Hey, can anybody offer any advice.
We had baby aylesbury ducks hatch last week in the incubator, all seem fit and healthy and growing fast apart from one.
This little one is now 6 days old, and seemed fine to start with and then every time it had a drink it seemed to throw it's head so far back that it fell over backwards - at first we thought it was having trouble swallowing and thats why it was tipping its head so far back. Been feeding them on starter crumb and to begin with I've been mixing it with water until 2 days ago decided they were growing so quick tried them with it dry - they all seemed to be managing fine with this, even this one, until later that night when it seemed to almost choke on a piece of food!! We massaged its neck, gave it a drink and watched it closely for a hour, it seemed its normal self, still throwing its head back!! Had to go out to work all day yesterday, when we got back late last night I noticed that this one now had its head dropping forward and as it walked its head was tucked soo far under that it had rubbed almost a bald patch on the top of its head. It took it ages to settle down to sleep aswell, as though it just couldn't get comfy.
This morning it had it's neck drooped down again, but now could only walk backwards. The poor little thing looked very uncomfortable and I noticed it looked a little thinner than the others this morning, so wasn't sure if it had been able to feed itself at all yesterday with its head so low.
Took it out from the others, hand fed it today with food mashed up with water. It takes the food and water fine, when it's sat down it has no trouble lifting its head but when it stands it's head is once again tucked under its belly.
It hasn't been able to get comfy again all day in its own makeshift brooder box, hence has spent most of the day napping in my lap.
Have just let it have a little play and it has lifted its head and stumbled to the food and water to feed itself. It seemed alright (although struggling) for a few moments and then would drop its head and stumble backwards again. Finally got it settled for a nap in the box.
Does anybody know, does this sound like something that could be cured with just a couple of days of resting and extra TLC or does it sound like anything more serious??

Thanks for your help
Have you started niacin yet? 100-150megs of niacin in a gallon of water then into their waterers, every day till 12 weeks old. and also some poultry vitamins. I'd be very careful what your using for water container just in case with lil one and drowning. and wetting the feed may help also a donut made out of an old towel to keep it upright with food and water close by. I believe there is help for this one but TLC and niacin and vitamins is really going to help. ps. when getting niacin make sure it's plain niacin not time released or flush free.
Thanks for that will get niacin tomorrow & start them with it straight away
I've tried all of the local feed stores and none of them do any vitamins or niacin for baby ducks. The only thing they had was a 'poultry drink' which is a feed supplement but this contains iron - I'd read in another thread that the iron isn't good for babies.
Can I give them niacin from a health store which is for humans or does it need to be a formula specific for ducks/poultry??

Baby duck is a little better this morning, put little one back in with the others last night and it did manage to walk forward to get food & water but then stumbles backwards again. Its head is still stooped down but not dragging on the floor as much as it was. Seems to struggle to get comfy for a sleep with the others, so I've just popped it in its own box with a hot water bottle for a little nap.

So frustrating watching it as I've a video of them all from last week and it was walking and bopping about normal, then just seems to have forgotten how to go forward

Thanks for your advice
I've tried all of the local feed stores and none of them do any vitamins or niacin for baby ducks. The only thing they had was a 'poultry drink' which is a feed supplement but this contains iron - I'd read in another thread that the iron isn't good for babies.
Can I give them niacin from a health store which is for humans or does it need to be a formula specific for ducks/poultry??

Baby duck is a little better this morning, put little one back in with the others last night and it did manage to walk forward to get food & water but then stumbles backwards again. Its head is still stooped down but not dragging on the floor as much as it was. Seems to struggle to get comfy for a sleep with the others, so I've just popped it in its own box with a hot water bottle for a little nap.

So frustrating watching it as I've a video of them all from last week and it was walking and bopping about normal, then just seems to have forgotten how to go forward

Thanks for your advice
Yes plain niacin from drug store, Walmart or any place that carries it, you may have to ask for the plain though, just about all you see on the shelves is flush free or time released. I'd think once you get the lil one started you'll see noticeable improvement pretty quick. and yes they can all have it may keep another from coming down with it.
Got my niacin this afternoon, could only find it in tablet form so I've crushed some up into their water.
Not too sure about this baby duck, one minute it seems to be perking up, it tries to lift its head and takes a spurt forwards and then it just tucks its head underneath again and starts going backwards. I've tried to support its head upwards slightly as its settling down for a sleep but always manages to wriggle back down so that its neck bent forward again - its obviously more comfortable like that, but I wondered if it could just be a stiff neck with constantly sleeping in this position??

Hope it makes some improvement tomorrow
Got my niacin this afternoon, could only find it in tablet form so I've crushed some up into their water.
Not too sure about this baby duck, one minute it seems to be perking up, it tries to lift its head and takes a spurt forwards and then it just tucks its head underneath again and starts going backwards. I've tried to support its head upwards slightly as its settling down for a sleep but always manages to wriggle back down so that its neck bent forward again - its obviously more comfortable like that, but I wondered if it could just be a stiff neck with constantly sleeping in this position??

Hope it makes some improvement tomorrow
can you use an old clean towel and make a donut for the lil one to sleep in it may help him keep his head up better? and hoping right along with you. make sure it gets good drinks today and tonight.

Just had them all out for one last big run around before bed time and my little bendy neck baby has made a massive improvement.
After lots to eat & drink I put lil one down with the rest and after a couple of stumbles he picked himself up and ran across the kitchen so fast that all the others followed to see where he was going. We still have a couple of backwards stumbles but mainly seems to be going forwards now!!!
Thanks Miss Lydia for your help - the boost of niacin must have been just what he needed.

I've tried the donut with a towel suggestion but he doesn't settle and wriggles back down - will see how he is in the morning after sleeping on it all night.

I think I'll sleep a little better tonight after seeing him run like that

Just had them all out for one last big run around before bed time and my little bendy neck baby has made a massive improvement.
After lots to eat & drink I put lil one down with the rest and after a couple of stumbles he picked himself up and ran across the kitchen so fast that all the others followed to see where he was going. We still have a couple of backwards stumbles but mainly seems to be going forwards now!!!
Thanks Miss Lydia for your help - the boost of niacin must have been just what he needed.

I've tried the donut with a towel suggestion but he doesn't settle and wriggles back down - will see how he is in the morning after sleeping on it all night.

I think I'll sleep a little better tonight after seeing him run like that
That is awesome. Yay for baby duck... Exciting!!!

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