baby duck with lots of problems

Clyde took his medicene this morning. Bless his little heart. He didn't get it yesterday, Topper stole it right from under his bill. I'm thinking about putting Clyde and Sherry in the baby pen. I don't like to cage him up but his food and water will be closer and it will be easier to see that he gets his pill everyday. If they don't seem to be happy I can let them out again.

I baked cookies yesterday which I haven't done for years. I don't understand why the store bought cookies don't compare to homemade. I guess all the preservatives they put in them. I baked chocolate chip and sugar cookies. I've still got the receipe sitting out for peanut butter cookies I may bake those today. Those are my favorite.

Hubbie brought in a couple loads of dirt to fill in the low spots in the yard. The chickens love all the new dirt to dig and scratch in. If it ever rains again I'm going to need hip boots to feed the chickens and ducks.

I hope everyone has a nice day today.

Patty those cookies sounds so good, I made a spice cake from scratch with homemade cream cheese frosting alot of work but boy was it good even got to bring home half from church dinner so we can snack today too. I know what you mean about someone trying to horn in on the bread with pill in it, I can't even get close to Ernie when my LF hens are around I wait till all is quiet and those piggies[hens] are in another part of the yard then try he will usually take it from me then.

I am so hoping for rain soon it's been a long time since this dry here. Hope you all get some soon too. Dirt is a big hit around here too. lol
The spice cake with the cream cheese icing sounds heavenly. They must have had a lot of desserts for you to be able to bring some home.
I know what you mean about the piggies. I feed the ducks in the front yard before I even attempt to let the chickens out. When I open the coop door they come flying out with one thing on their minds. Food.

Give Opie a big hug and kiss from me. I love him I do wish Que Sera would visit the way he does. It's been to long since I've held Que Sera I need to get Hubbie to help me catch her. I see her in the yard but it's not like holding her and petting her.

The spice cake with the cream cheese icing sounds heavenly. They must have had a lot of desserts for you to be able to bring some home.
I know what you mean about the piggies. I feed the ducks in the front yard before I even attempt to let the chickens out. When I open the coop door they come flying out with one thing on their minds. Food.

Give Opie a big hug and kiss from me. I love him I do wish Que Sera would visit the way he does. It's been to long since I've held Que Sera I need to get Hubbie to help me catch her. I see her in the yard but it's not like holding her and petting her.

i will hug on Opie some more and say it's from you Patty. and yes always lots of food and desserts.
Thanks JCG for me it's very frustrating doing this stuff lol sorry about the noise in the back ground the washing machine was running and right at the last you got to hear my hen Maryanna squawk she can get much louder too.

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