baby ducks


5 Years
Jul 23, 2014
I need some advice. I've got 4 Campbell ducks. 2 females and 2 males. I've read these ducks never hatch their own young an I got one setting. I've been candling the eggs. I've got 4 where I can see movement under the air sack an one actually seems like it broke through air sack an can see its little beak just under the shell. How long does this process last?
Welcome to BYC! Glad you decided to join our flock. I'm a chicken person and don't know much about ducks (although I've had a few), but I have to admit that ducklings are the ultimate in cute. I wish I could answer your question, however I've never hatched any duck eggs, but if you will post this in our duck section at, there are lots of members there who've hatched lots of ducks and I'm sure one of them can answer your question. Good luck with your ducks.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Michael X2 Definitely post this in our Ducks section for more help with your duck hatch.

Good luck and welcome to our flock!
Oh Thank you. Yes concerned over my ducky kids. Hoping they hatch an are heathy
I've heard that you shouldn't use terms like "never" and " always," because it just isn't true. You can see that because your duck hen is setting on eggs - hope you have a great hatch.

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