baby goat question


10 Years
Oct 13, 2009
New Paris, Pa 15554
Hi i have a 10 day old pygmy goat. Its has lice, can anyone tell me the best remedy for this and dosage. She is not eating great and has a belly ache as well. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I would suggest you post this on the Backyard Herds website... there is a forum for goats on the site... I have used permethryn for my goats ( as recommended by my Vet ) ... I would think that sevin dust may be your best option....
Sorry for so few details I was on my phone. If there is a better place for this question please let me know. I have never had a goat before today. But it needed help and I knew I could learn fast and help her out. Here are more detail if anyone is interested. She has been away from her mother for 3 days, the mother had 4 babies 1 died and 3 remained so the lady gave this little girl to a friend of mine, and she had a death in the family and was unable to care for her, she called me knowing I was a vet tech for awhile. I agreed to try my best, but I have only expertise with dogs cats and chickens. The baby has not pooed all day today and does NOT want the bottle. I bought milk replacer and soon read this may not be the best option, I did do an enema with no luck, not horribly dehydrated at this point, but assume this will come with out more drinking. I did force her to eat about 2 hours ago, give some goat probiotics, small dose of pepto bismal, and then bathed her because i noticed a pretty good infestation of lice, i just used a natural dog shampoo, NO pesticides. Any info would be appreciated. Can a young goat eat hay? I have heard NO, and yea it is fine. She was grinding her teeth when I got her and now is not doing it as much. Please anyone, I am willing to learn and not grossed out by much.
Sorry for so few details I was on my phone. If there is a better place for this question please let me know. I have never had a goat before today. But it needed help and I knew I could learn fast and help her out. Here are more detail if anyone is interested. She has been away from her mother for 3 days, the mother had 4 babies 1 died and 3 remained so the lady gave this little girl to a friend of mine, and she had a death in the family and was unable to care for her, she called me knowing I was a vet tech for awhile. I agreed to try my best, but I have only expertise with dogs cats and chickens. The baby has not pooed all day today and does NOT want the bottle. I bought milk replacer and soon read this may not be the best option, I did do an enema with no luck, not horribly dehydrated at this point, but assume this will come with out more drinking. I did force her to eat about 2 hours ago, give some goat probiotics, small dose of pepto bismal, and then bathed her because i noticed a pretty good infestation of lice, i just used a natural dog shampoo, NO pesticides. Any info would be appreciated. Can a young goat eat hay? I have heard NO, and yea it is fine. She was grinding her teeth when I got her and now is not doing it as much. Please anyone, I am willing to learn and not grossed out by much.
I would think she isn't pooping because she hasn't really eaten yet.
Peeing is a bigger deal than pooping. Baby goats pee ALOT. All of the kids I nursed back to health would only drink raw goat milk to start. I would buy a few gallons then switch them over to milk replacer after a few days. I also read somewhere that you can give whole milk. A goat that young probably wont forage. And if she does its just her learning to wouldnt sustain her. Depending on how long its been since she drank, you might want to give electrolytes first. She probably wont drink it from a bottle with a sore belly so I would give it as a drench. If you get some in her, make sure to wait two hours before giving her milk.

I use permetherin for lice/mites. Theres a spray or a powder.

She may also benefit from a coccidiosis treatment and a good worming once you get her back to drinking again.
I hope things worked for for the baby goat. I am curious if you had success with the little one. I spoke to my cousin who raises goats, she said to scratch them next to the tail on there backs because the mom lick them there to get them to drink her milk.

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