baby quail and chicks together


8 Years
Apr 4, 2015
Just need to know if I can keep 5 day old quail with my baby chickens that hatched last night together for a few days I have another brooder box out side it has 3 week old chicks in it my new chicks are quite big almost the size of the 3 weeks old just want to make sure they eat and drink before I put them with the others
Hello and welcome to BYC!

No it is not advised to keep quail and chickens together at any age.

As for young chicks, quail chicks need gamebird food starter. They need to it to be crushed for the first week as well. Quail chicks do not grow well on chicken chick starter. And the chicken chicks, being larger can bully out the tiny quail chicks from the food and water.

Secondly, chicken chicks and adult chickens carry diseases that can kill quail. You take a big risk keeping them in close quarters.

So set up another brooder as soon as you can and keep the two species apart. I would also wash your hands between the species each time and do not share food or water dishes between them either.

Enjoy all your babies! :)

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