Baby Wood Ducks


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 26, 2012
my boyfriend rescued 2 baby wood ducks right around the same time that I got my 1st chickens.
I had been raising my chickens for 2 weeks when we got the ducks and they seem to be about the same age. Now my chickens are about 8 weeks old and the ducks and chickens are living happily together, but the ducks do not like people (which I think is normal for wild ducks), but When I let the chickens out of the coop to explore I have to constantly watch the ducks to make sure they don't leave the coop because I'm scared they won't come back and I know there are a lot of predators in the woods behind my house.

Does anyone have any advise? do you think they would just go back in when the chickens do? I don't have a run because I plan on free ranging the chickens. I just feel back the the ducks want to explore and don't get too.
. You should try the Ornamental section. They are much more experienced with Wild Species
Thanks for the advise, they did follow the chickens and stay with them around the yard except they don't go back into the coop at the end of the day. It was pretty funny to try to corral them back into the coop after dark.
Thanks for the advise, they did follow the chickens and stay with them around the yard except they don't go back into the coop at the end of the day. It was pretty funny to try to corral them back into the coop after dark.
More than likely when they are fully feathered and have their adult wings they will fly off, but you will have done your part to give them a great start in life which will be your reward. Hey and

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