Bachelor Pen Question


7 Years
Mar 12, 2017
I have a large Cochin rooster who I'm about to separate from my hens. My girls are going bald on top of their heads, and he can be a bit of a jerk, so I've bought a dog kennel for him to stay in for now (he actually has a new home pending, but I won't know for sure until probably next week and if that doesn't work out, I'll just have to keep him as a bachelor). Anyway, the dog kennel has been predator-proofed, but I'm wondering what I could do for him to have a nice place to sleep. He is too big to fit into the prefab coop that I used for a smaller rooster in the past. I don't really have the time or money to build him anything right now, and I don't think he'd get up a ramp very well. Someone suggested a dog house. Any other ideas? Thanks!
Where are you? Climate wise... Anything that offers wind protection would be probably enough.
I'm in Atlanta. We shouldn't have any cold again until Nov/Dec. By then, I hope to have a better solution.
Then just a box with a low roost in it would be fine. Or even a plastic tote on it's side.

Mrs K
Thank you. My ducks actually sleep in large plastic totes turned on their sides even though they have access to a 10x16 building! I just didn't know if it'd work for a chicken. He sleeps on the floor of my coop anyway.

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