Bachelor Rooster Keeping


Oct 22, 2016
Hedley British Columbia
My hubby and I love chickens and would very much like to get two chickens for pets. We know you can not keep just one chicken as they are flock animals. So we are looking into getting two. Were we are located roosters are allowed and we know that many people don't want roosters so we were thinking we would get two roosters from a local farm near by.
Now I know many people who keep bachelor Coops (5 or more so roosters together)However all of their roosters generally look very beat up, or most of them looked picked on by two other roosters.

So I was wondering. Is it possible to keep only two rooster together in an 8x8 foot coop with a 8X12 foot run with out any issues? There wouldn't be any hens with the roosters and they would be raised up together from chicks.
I have many brothers that get along. Pick a gentle breed and hope for the best. All roosters are individuals as far as bonding long term with another rooster. In my flock I have bantam cochin roosters who get along, and a trio of d'uccle roosters that are inseparable.

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