Backing up, Walking Backward 11mos old

She has torticollis. Wry neck. Give her vitamin E with egg each day until she's better. It should clear up, if not in a few hours, but probably in a day or two.

Is this what your chickens did? She seems worse today. i also found her acting broody today sitting on 3 eggs for a long while… she’s never done that before either.
I didn't see dosage anywhere. Is it just one vitamin E squeezed over some egg? I've had a hen do this before but it resolved.
Did you watch the video I just posted? Your hen was doing that? The vit e and selenium comes in a gel. I just squeeze out a pea or 2 pea size amounts and mix in the eggs.
Did you watch the video I just posted? Your hen was doing that? The vit e and selenium comes in a gel. I just squeeze out a pea or 2 pea size amounts and mix in the eggs.
Watched your video. Mine literally started backing up like she was having a fit. I'd pick her up and put her back down and she was ok. Happened a couple of times then went away.
No need to make more steps to dosing than you need to. Chickens are very adept at swallowing pills, especially a tiny one like a vitamin E gel cap. Just pry open the beak and shove the pill in.
I was so tickled when I gave a calcium pill to a hen once. I did as per BYC advice - gently pull the wattles down and they open wide. It was so simple!
@TinaRew your videos of your hen walking show her pausing and backing up incrementally. This is normal chicken behavior when scanning the ground for signs of food. I see nothing that suggests to me that your hen has a neurological issue.

When my rooster was walking backwards, he dragged his beak on the ground, unable to raise his head. He appeared helpless to snap out of it when it happened. It incapacitated him. It was extremely obvious he was having trouble moving normally. Within an hour of giving him a vitamin E capsule, he stopped doing it and returned to normal behavior.

But do keep an eye on your hen. If her behavior becomes such that she doesn't seem to be able to do what she is needing to do and seems frustrated and confused, then she may be having symptoms of torticolis.

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