Backyard Bees anyone?


King of the Intardnets
10 Years
May 8, 2009
Naoussa, Greece
at the risk of annoying an awful lot of your partners, omlet, (the company who make the eglu coops), now make beehives.

you're welcome
I know. But you could never convince DH of that.

Which is strange, because he knows I farm lady bugs on the rose bushes, black widows in the base of the raised beds, and praying mantis in the upper portion of the veggie/herb beds.

I don't spray pests, I find bugs that will eat them. And companion plant the beds.

Maybe because I kept bringing butterfly chrsalysis onto the screened porch to watch them emerge?

But I'd still really love to have bees!
There's a house down the road around the corner that has some hives. I often think of stopping and asking if they'll teach me in exchange for my helping them....
Hives are usually white, that I've seen anyway.
Would colorful hives confuse the bees? I saw a how that talked about how they see purple (black with iridescent sparkles) and I wonder how they'd like to live in a dark sparkly house....

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