#backyardquails in central New Hampshire


In the Brooder
May 24, 2021
Hi everyone! My name is Jocelyn and I just recently moved from eastern MA to central New Hampshire. I love it here :) I learned in college that I had a sensitivity to chicken eggs and then I learned that quail eggs don't seem to give me the same reaction. Since then I have learned more about cooking with quail eggs and I was lucky to live in an area who had populations of folks who use quail eggs so they were readily available. Then during the pandemic it was much harder to access and my bro in law sent me a joke post about buying quails... but I took it seriously!! I got 4 quails (that was all i could get my husband to agree to!) in October and they laid their first eggs in March. I cried I was SO happy! I have been slowly adding more to my little flock and currently have 7, including 3 celedon layers and 4 coturnix.

I am learning more and would like to expand especially now that we have a much larger yard. I am also interested in growing meat chickens at some point but I am still just learning and exploring that at this point. I also find it very valuable to teach my two daughters about valuing the food we put in our bodies, how its sourced and grown, and the value of taking care of our food supply. I also have two flemish/rex rabbits and a cat named Stella who is living her best life in NH.

Thanks for having me!

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