Bag out of Layena package (updated w tutorial)

I have lined all but the first big tote I did. Most have simple pockets too. I attach the closure tab to the inside plastic bag's rim and then cover that up when I sew in the liner. I keep learning what steps I should take first to make the work easier. Started a bag last week and messed it up right away as I forgot to attach a simple outer pocket (good for receipts or tissues or etc) before sewing the front and back together. Adding a pocket now would be hard to maneuver around the sewing machine.
New feed sack project,i am now making wallets and coupon holders out of the feed sack scraps!
I love you bags!!! I have been anguishing over throwing these beautiful bags away for years! I'm breaking out the sewing machine, even though I'm not good with it.. wish me luck.....I'm going in!
U will do fine,just remember practice makes perfect,or should i say better.I have been making a lot of different things with them the only thing i do not make is money!lol
Don't make the sides of the "first" bag quite so deep since your needing to get the feel of working with the bag on the machine. I had not sewn for many years when I tackled my first bag and it was a lot of material to work in the machine. Make the sides not so tall and take a wider bottom triangle. Mine turned out to be just a tad to narrow for it to hold two egg cartons easily. I use one of my bags for taking my extra eggs to work so one side sits nice and the other on edge next to it. Just needs to be a little wider at the bottom.
I just looked thru all of these post!!
I love everyone of them! I have been saving mine too and now I know what to do with them.
I'm thinking of making some for the grandkids so they can keep their stuff neat in the van. Thank you ladies for the insperation (sp) of these totes/
I made my first tote from a bag that had a hole in it. Then I started making totes from pillowcases. Now I'm collecting feed bags and vintage pillow cases. Wouldn't it be great if I could find chicken pillowcases? I can probably make some... hmmm. Hubby is going to go nuts!



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