Balance issue with my Pekin Lady


5 Years
Feb 11, 2017
Copper Harbor, MI
I have 6 female ducks that are going into their third winter. One of them has been having balance issues and uses her wings to help steady herself. She eats and drinks normally and follows the rest out into the yard. He poo seems the same as the rest. She does not move around as much as the others would hang out in a patch of apple mint over the summer. She would swim and preen when I put her in the pool. She does not seem distressed but has definite balance issues. Today I noticed that when she was spreading her wings for balance that the joint by her back seemed discolored, darker but I could not get her wings to spread out to inspect more closely. Not sure if this is from dirt and debris or some kind of fungal issue. She tends to hold her slightly wings away from her body more often now too, just holding them open as well as using them to stay on balance. She also falls forward. We just got our first dusting of snow so their movement will become more limited but I am worried about her. There are no vet options for ducks in our area. Not sure what to try first. Any thoughts or ideas appreciated.
Vitamin B has the vitamins that support leg muscles if it’s b deficiency. TSC has the best one most likely in the cattle dept it will say injectable but we give it orally..if you feel it could also be a calcium def the calcium citrate is a good choice sprinkle over feed. Both of these are inexpensive treatments that may or may not help but I feel it is def worth trying.
Is she overweight? I too have a pekin, Daisy, whom uses her wings to waddle..unless I carry her. She was a rescue, so I was told chickens hurt her leg. She does favor one leg. Have you checked her legs? What about a simple soak in Epsom salts. I like to do that right away along with the B complex MissLydia taught me. The soak helps relax their muscles and ease pain. Try to not let her drink the water, it causes loose stool. By any chance..does it look blackish and singed on the feathery spots you saw and thought were fungus?
Sorry for the lengthy absence. Thank you for your responses. ❤️ My girl with the balance problem is still with me. Turns out her leg is fine but her foot is non functional. No change with supplemental B and no she is not overweight. I included a pic of her foot and her in her rehab box below.

In summer she moves around a bit and has her favorite spots. She swims regularly. She maneuvers using her wings and balancing on the top of her lame foot around the yard. She seems content and her buddies hang close by keeping her company.

In winter however she is not able to swim or groom herself as easily. She was looking pretty rough with her eyes getting buildup and swims at 20 degrees outside did little to help. She was a mess.

So, I brought her inside after cooling down the house so she could gradually warm up to my comfort level. She has had several warm baths and her feathers are clean and waterproofed again and her eyes are clear. She has been inside now for 7 days. Now she is clean and beautiful and I think ready to go back out with her friends who I she misses.

My question is how do I do that safely. Going from cold to warm is one thing but warm to cold? What is the best way to reintroduce her to winter? It will be in the low 30s for a few days before the temps drop again. I don’t want to shock her system.

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