Bald Back??


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 24, 2014
My chickens are just about 7 weeks old and I have one who had a baldish back under the wings and no tail feathers like the others....anyone know whats wrong with him/her?

Hi i have some hens that are like this. I had the vet check them and he said it was mites. I have treated the coop, the chickens. I use to let them free range completely. But i had 1 rooster and 1 hen stollen or eaten by predators so now i only let them out for a couple of hours in the evening. I have 1 rooster and 7 hens. Only 6 of the hens have bare backs the rooster and 1 hen are intack. If you find a solution please let me know.
Hi i have some hens that are like this. I had the vet check them and he said it was mites. I have treated the coop, the chickens. I use to let them free range completely. But i had 1 rooster and 1 hen stollen or eaten by predators so now i only let them out for a couple of hours in the evening. I have 1 rooster and 7 hens. Only 6 of the hens have bare backs the rooster and 1 hen are intack. If you find a solution please let me know.
I have NO clue about chickens yet so I have to ask...... if it was mites wouldn't I see them when I look really close? Also wouldn't the other 7 chickens get them too? I got all 8 at the same time from the same place when they were a week old.

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