Bald, bald, bald --- bald as a ping pong ball


12 Years
Oct 3, 2007
Scenic Verbank, NY
So Tammy, one of the two last Golden Comets, has had a bald back for at least six months, maybe closer to nine. Otherwise, she appears healthy, just cold.
I've had saddle guards on her and that didn't allow feathers to grow back in over two months.
Any suggestions? Lots of protein for her diet? Keeping her away from the roos for a bit? Thanks
#1California Chick :

How many roos to how many hens???

I would take her out for awhile or maybe take out the roos!!

this needs no answer.. there are too many roosters too long......... ya think??

this hen will need at least two months without a rooster ..​
About 100 hens and 12 roos, all free ranging and she's not one of the favorites. I really don't think this is the problem, but have put her in with some broody hens to keep them company.
She's about three and a half years old and most of the other Golden Comets we've had didn't make it past 2 1/2, mostly due to reproductive issues. Looking back at old photos, she may have been bald even longer.
So I'm thinking maybe diet?
I had 2 SLW's that were the same way and I swear I never thought that they would grow their feathers back. I separated them from the roos and that didn't work. I gave them extra protein(BOSS),that didn't work. Finally they went through their molt and had their feathers back. It took 8 months for them to look normal again. I just thought that their skin was too scared or something to grow new ones and then all of a sudden they just popped out.

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