Bald butt and swollen below vent.

Ohhhdear, we must be neighbors!

I have a Black Australorp that I suspect may be laying internally. I know for sure she laid an egg yesterday but she has been swollen for several days and the egg she laid had a bunch of "gunk" on it. She is still swollen but her belly no longer feels hard. She is just over a year old.
I had the same problem with my Ameracauna. Here butt below the vent was swollen like it was full of fluid. Thinking she was egg bound or had worms or infection, I soaked her for 3 days in warm water for 30 mins. I also gave her diluted tetracycline hcl 343 via a dropper. I also fed her boiled eggs for 3 days. She ate the 1st one, 3/4 of on the 2nd day, and 1/2 on the 3rd day. The 4th day, I gave her trail mix crunch in milk and she ate it all and also tetracycline. Today I gave her cereal with milk, oyster shells, and tetracycline all mixed together. She ate it all. The swelling has gone down. It's not swishy like it was before. I gave her oyster shells the whole time. I fed all my chickens corn on the cob today and they're all eating it. I hope she's on the way to recovery.
this is EXACTLY what I have in my young Australorpe hen! she is almost 2 years old, and she isn't displaying any illness type symptoms! she is eating and socializing, but she has this HUGE ugly squishy lump!!!
Okay we have a small de' uncle hen (did i spell that right) who's belly is warm and squishy. My mom said not to push on it so im not. Her butt swells up and secrets this clear goo. Whats wrong?
please help me she is my little 4 year old sissys pet and would be heartbroken if she died!
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I too have a chicken with enlarged squishy bald spot below her vent and it doesn't seem to worry her much. I have given her 2 warm baths which she seems to enjoy as she just flops down into the water and then relishes the peace and quiet of being kept separated from the others for the night. Next morning she waltzes out into the coop head held high as to say well I'm back. She eats well, runs around scratches and bathes in the dirt. My question is - is this something I should worry about, will it cause further probles or am I likely to lose this chicken or have to cull her?
I'm so amazed at how common this weird condition is! I'm not sure what to do yet either? my hen is isolated because I'm giving her antibiotics in her water, but she is behaving normally also! she is still laying, eating etc... I think I'll keep treatment going for a few days, if I don't see any improvement, or if she gets worse, I'll take her to the vet! She doesn't appear to be in any pain or suffering whatsoever, and I hate invasive and expensive vet bills!
My daughter Julia posted a few days ago about our little chicken. Her crop was seriously hard and huge, her breast to her vent was swollen, she was puffing her feathers up and just sitting still in the run. She had white goo around her vent. Her eyes looked dull and she'd often just close them. She'd also appear to be panting at times. We soaked her several times over two days. Gave her olive oil, milk, sugar combo (we read on here to try). I put vaseline in her vent. Her crop wasn't swollen anymore and she started having more normal poos. But still no egg passed and her breast to vent was very swollen still. I took her to the vet and spent $100 on getting her a calcium shot and came home with liquid calcium. We've been giving it to her for almost a week now. She has been in the bathroom with a warm mist vaporizer also to try to help an egg move through if that was the problem. No egg and she is listless. She's usually quite feisty. I put her with the others a few times but she seems to get worse again when I put her outside. Do you think she could have worms or something else besides being egg bound? If so how much wazine should I give her...she is only a 1.2 lb d'uccle. Thanks for any input!!!
what did the vet say? that she just needed calcium?... I soaked my hen a few times in warm epsom salts with tea tree oil, separated her etc... the weather was beautiful and she just doesn't look sick! she just has this uber-mega giant jelly grapefruit size red mass below her vent! she's laying eggs, eating and I so I put her back out with the rest and she's happy as ever! she dust baths and runs to get scratch/treats (looks funny tho) I'm dumbfounded! I have no idea whats going on, and no one seems to have an answer???

I hope your little hen improves soon
I hope mine does too! I can't imagine what she has, but it's not slowing her down whatsoever!
i just posted something like this. i have a barred rock with a swollen ummm behind i guess. and its red and looks like she had lost feathers.
ive been giving her ESalt soaks and its going down slowly but no one could really answer what it was. i thought maybe she was egg bound but when i felt it. it was gooshy.
i hope someone can help us.

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