Bald butt and swollen below vent.

Have a few R.I.Reds, some have lost the feathers around the vents area and has turned red. still laying, but what should i do to help this issue.
Those pics all look like internal laying. There are only two things to do for this 1) put them down 2) if you have an avian vet they can so surgery to remove the mass and remove ovaries. This means no more eggs so I wouldnt do that unless its a family pet and could be costly. There's a thread on here where it shows pics hen that had the surgery I saw it the other day let me see if I can locate the link...........ahhh here it is.
Almost all of our first year Black Sex Link hens have bald butts. They're fine and they still lay eggs. We assumed it was just other chickens pulling them out. If it's something else let me know because it involves like 30 to 40 of my egg laying hens.
I have a black sex-linked who had this problem last year. It seemed to resolve. But I think it may be coming back. All 4 of my black stars are laying at least part of the time again (post-winter, no lights) - maybe it was the vacation from laying that improved things. She seems perfectly healthy otherwise, and is clearly laying.
I have been following this thread since the start. I would think that something that effects so many hens that someone somewhere would have figured out what this is. So far I've seen alot of people that have this problem with their hens and no one seems to have an answer. I'll be waiting....
Okay we have a small de' uncle hen (did i spell that right) who's belly is warm and squishy. My mom said not to push on it so im not. Her butt swells up and secrets this clear goo.

It's spelled D'Uccle - we've got one, too. But it's one of our Rhode Island Reds who has the swollen hind end (just noticed it today), much like other hens shown on this thread. We will check her vent and try diatomaceous earth next. Ours still seems perky. Will read on to find out more!
From reading this thread it appears there have been several suggestions of what it is. From something as simple as getting plucked by a feather plucker, to egg bound to internal layer to egg peritonitis. First I would observe to see if she is getting plucked. If not, next check to see if massaging might help expel a bound egg, if not seems an expensive vet and possibly surgery is in order or the axe. Seems humane if shes in pain. Could be a slow death.
Possibly with the chicks it's just plucking. I have birds that are considered 'slow featherers'. They lose their fluff before their feathers grow in and it can take some time. They look like Tyranasaures Rex (sp?) with bald butts, Seems like a perfect target for others to pick on.

I have been following this thread since the start. I would think that something that effects so many hens that someone somewhere would have figured out what this is. So far I've seen alot of people that have this problem with their hens and no one seems to have an answer. I'll be waiting....
my Australorpe hen passed away on the weekend... the skin on the growth split open, and her internal organs were exposed. I isolated as the other hens were picking at her.... she ate and drank until her death. In fact she died eating, she was found with her face in her food dish. She layed an egg the day she died. sad, but she was active, social and happy her whole life. her death was quick

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