Bald spot on my australorp chick


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 20, 2013
Charlotte, NC

My appx. 2.5-week-old australorp chick has developed a bald spot on her back. She does not peck at it, the other five chicks in the brooder with her don't peck at her, and it doesn't seem to bother her. It is not red or irritated-looking, but there is a little bit of dry, yellowish crusty stuff on the skin in that area. I do not see any little crawlies, and none of the other chicks are affected. They are on an organic, soy-free starter feed and all eating and drinking well, no abnormal stools, all active. This chick is a bit more timid than the others despite frequent handling but that is the only behavior difference. They came from a small local farm and were not vaccinated, I have had them for 10 days now. Could this be lice or mites? Should I separate this chick? Do I need to treat for parasites, and if so what can I use at this age?
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I have seen that as a normal occurrence in chicks at that age. It happened in ALL the ones of a certain breed that I had mixed in with other breeds and the feathers came in later. Don't worry in my opinion. At about the age of three weeks it is easy to notice some dandruff also from all the feathers growing in. All those sheaths come off.

Looks normal to me.

Lice and mites come from wild birds (or maybe rodents I have been reading). If these chicks are in a brooder not to worry. I don't like to dust itty bitties unless there is DEFINITELY a problem with mites.
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