Bald spots...tried everything


11 Years
Mar 29, 2009
columbus ohio
Several of my hens have bald spots on back right above tail. I first thought rooster damage so i bought saddles. It helped with one but not the other two. I then thought low protein so i mixed layer with flock raiser and supplemented with cat food. It did not help. I did have mites but have treated three times andd total coop cleanout x 2. Did not help. I do see the occasional feather pick and the offender eats them. The spots are totally bald. Plucked clean with no blood. Im not sure what else to try. I dont understand why the saddle helped with one but not the others and my favrolle also is bald on her but which would not be an easy place for a picker. At this point i cant tell who is the offender!
I think it may be boredom. They have a large coop and huge outdoor run but they have depleted it of any vegetation. I feed them lots of treats but they cant really forage. I will make some flock blocks and just started growing fodder for them. I am hoping my hubby will build me a tractor soon too. I just dont understand why the feathers didnt grow back with the saddles on?

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