bantam cochins with other breeds?


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2016
i am new to having chickens and i have 2 orpingtons and 2 marans..they are all 4 weeks old. and yesterday i meet a lady to buy a three cochins. i did not know when i went to get them they were bantams. i thought they would be standard. but i had drove a long way to get them so i went ahead and bought the little ones. they are the cutest chicks ive ever seen! but now im really worried that when they are able to be in the same coop will my other girls hurt them? any info will help.
If possible I would put the cochins in with the others ASAP. The younger they are the easier it is to add new birds. You may have some pecking at first but when they settle in they will be fine. I have kept large fowl and bantams together many times with no issues. In fact, I had a bantam cochin hen in with my Laying flock for years and she got along just fine. Good luck with your flock!

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