Bantam coop ideas welcome


Mar 21, 2017
Shippensburg, Cumberland county, Pa
Hi, Newbie here,
I was planning on buying a coop from TSC, but after reading other's replies about their coops I think we'll build one. I would appreciate some suggestions on structure.
I would like to get 3 various pair of Polish Bantams and 2 Wyandotte hens - to start anyway. Don't want to breed for chicks, just collect eggs and have some awesome looking pets.
I love to see chickens run free in my yard but I had a pair of Polish Black Crested and a run of Araucanas several years ago. The neighbors dog killed my Bantam pair and a hawk took a half grown chick as I watched my poor baby fly off as nest food.
I love Bantam roosters. They're adorable and I love to hear them. But I'm just concerned with having 3 roosters and 5 hens (for now) all in the same space. I'm not sure about my husband, but I've never even seen the inside of a backyard coop. One nest per hen? Roost space for all or just roosters? I don't want to make the mistake of building too small and regretting it later. Of course, he's building it. Easy for me to talk
It's easiest to start with a garden shed, and modify it for chickens. More windows, hardware cloth over every opening, and lots of ventilation. A dig proof foundation, and an attached run. The best would be a Woods coop if you can build it! Build as large as you can, because 'chicken math' happens! Three roosters and five hens will NOT work out, unless you have a separate pen for the boys, and they get along together. Three roosters would do best with two or three dozen hens! Mary
Ok, will rethink the rooster idea Mary. One rooster, but must be very showy and gentle. Last one I had was an Araucana and he spurred me and my daughter and scratched her face. I never killed anything in my life but I got the BB gun and that was that. What is a Woods coop?

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