Bantam: Cut beak-something I can fix?? *Before & After Pictures*


[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG] Si
11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Waco, Texas
I have a small bantam rooster thats about 3 months old that got in a fight with a bantam silkie that I have. This happened..Saturday I think. Sunday and yesterday he was doing okay. I went out there today and its gotten worse. Its swollen more and his beak has twisted some. You can see from the photos, what he looked like before and then after. Ive called around to some of the vets around here and I cant seem to find one that works on chickens. Is there anyway that I can treat this myself? I thought if I left it alone that it would heal up on its own. But that doesnt seem to be the case. It looks as if he might need stitches. Im going to call around to some more vets tomorrow and see if I can find any that works on poultry. As far as eating and drinking. No problem there, he's eating and drinking just fine. As far as I can tell, it doesnt seem to be hurting him except when I gently pulled his beak open a little bit more so I could see how far it inside it was cut. Thats when I took the last picture. He closed his mouth and was shook his head to the side and closed the one eye. Any help would greatly be appreciated!!


Wow,poor guy! maybe it has some infection in it and once the swelling goes down it will go back to normal. I have no idea......
Not an expert by any means.....but I would clean it off really well (maybe with some diluted hydrogen peroxide). Smear an abx ointment on it and if the swelling doesn't go down or gets worse start him on either an oral antibiotic or injections. Dilute the peroxide maybe half and half with either saline or water and don't let it splash in his eyes.

For injectable antibiotics I like Tylan-50. But I think any wide spectrum antibiotic should work.
This happen to one of my chickens about 1.5 years ago and i just let it take its course and now its still a bit twisted but she can drink and eat absolutley fine with it.. To be honest it wasn't as bad as what yours looks like. Hope someone can help!

What breed is it?
Daisy. xx

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