Bantam D'Uccle 4-5 week old Sexing


6 Years
Apr 10, 2018

I bought 25 straight run Mille Fleur D'Uccle Bantams from Ideal. They are 4-5 weeks old.

I want to attempt to sex them to keep all the pullets + 2 cockerels, and sell the rest of the cockerels.

Are they old enough to sex somewhat accurately based on comb development and redness?

I have two pictures:
-one of what I believe to be a pullet based on comb development (small comb, not red)

-one picture of several, what seem to be, cockerels

Can I fairly accurately (75%ish at least?) sex them this way?
Thanks in advance for your help!
You can tell the obvious cockerels this early. The three in the second picture are obvious cockerels-- big, red combs at 5 weeks is a sure sign. However, the pullets will be more difficult because some that look like pullets now could be late developing cockerels. The bird in the first picture is likely a pullet. But something that looks in between will be a problem for a couple more weeks.
You can tell the obvious cockerels this early. The three in the second picture are obvious cockerels-- big, red combs at 5 weeks is a sure sign. However, the pullets will be more difficult because some that look like pullets now could be late developing cockerels. The bird in the first picture is likely a pullet. But something that looks in between will be a problem for a couple more weeks.

Ah, that makes sense. So essentially you can sex really accurately with the cockerels based on development, but sexing pullets is kind of iffy since there may be late-blooming cockerels amongst them.

Awesome! At least I can separate the definite cockerels :)

You're welcome. It shouldn't take much longer for reasonable certainty with sexing because bantams are quicker to develop. By 7 or 8 weeks, you should know. Any questionable ones can be re-posted in here, if necessary.

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