Bantam roo fertilizing eggs?


11 Years
Dec 17, 2008
When I cracked my eggs for my omelet this morning, I looked to see if they were fertilized just out of curiosity.
According to the pics I saw on here, they seem to all be fertile. The only problem is that my only rooster is a OEG bantam. My hens are RIR, cochin, and black sex link. I just dont see how it is physically possible for that little bitty roo to fertilize those big ol' hens. Or am I just not looking at the yolks right?
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Well, I couldn't say for sure, and you'd have to incubate the eggs to know for sure, but those little guys can usually find a way
He's a smart little man

If you post a pic of your egg/yolk im sure we can help tell you !!
I will post some pics of the yolks tomorrow. This morning's are already in my belly:drool They just looked to tasty to keep for further examination.
Yes, no matter how unlikely it seems, it is deffinitely possible! My only roo this past summer was a dutch, and I got quite a few fertile eggs from my dad's giant cochin hen! If there's a will, there's a way!

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