Bantam Rooster - Regular Hens


10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Jefferson, Wisconsin
Will a bantam rooster have any problem breeding standard size hens? My roosters I have are a SLW bantam, a silke and a polish crested (he's the one who's going to get kicked to the curb though).

My SLW has started to take an interest in the ladies, but he focuses most of his attention on the two bantam hens.
They'll give it their best effort, but can't always get the job done - they have a hard time getting the parts to line up right. But a very determined roo can get very creative and I've seen them manage it. So my answer would be a definite.......maybe
Well my little SLW guy is determined - he's a big chicken in a bantam body.

I was talking with one of my boy's teachers today and mentioned that maybe they could hatch some eggs for 5th grade science class.

(This is just a shameless trick to get more chicks in the spring, but I could always order eggs and have them hatch them too)
It can be done. Here's proof....


Daddy is a banty cochin/ silkie mix. Momma's were all standard hens. There should have been 29 more in that hatch, but I had incubator malfunction.
My Yellow Japanese bantam doesn't let his short stature stop him. I am not sure exactly what percentage he fertilizes but I do know he is succeessful.
I got rid of my standard, Andalusian, roo. Flock fertility is at the mercy of two Silkie roos. Not great.
But I don't care! It has been lovely to see the girls grow back their feathers after having been over mated.
So, no, my Silkies are not "love machines," but they do guard the hens.

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