bantam silkie 6 weeks old, is it supposed to look like a sick vulture


10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
over the mountain
it struts around and flies a little, really holds its own. its soooo much smaller than the other birds because its a bantam, but its just got this pathetic little scrawny neck and just loooks so weird. im afraid every morning it will be dead, but is vigarous and loud out in the coop. well, just wanted to share. its so ugly its cute. but truly its like a little diseased vulture runt next to the brahmas and buff orpingtons.
Admittedly, silkie juveniles are probably a bit uglier than other bantam juveniles. Could be the straggely crest, could be the black skin...but as much as I love them, they go through a terribly awkward stage between about 1-2 months. As they feather in, they start looking like real silkies!
YEP, his little crest is really tall, it sticks up in a point because his head is so pointy on top, its really thin, like hes balding, poor thing, i hope he is a she, right now its name is lucky silkie, because hes really lucky to be alive after being all smooshed in a bog box of standards. i cant wait untill his frizzy head and fuzzy legs and butt catch up to his scrawny neck and everything else. what weird chickens, bantam silkies.
They can definitely go through a really ugly stage, that's for sure.
I tell all of my Silkie customers what they can expect...wouldn't want them to think I sold them baby buzzards.
But one day you'll look at your chick and it will be gorgeous. It seems like they go from ugly to beautiful in a day...thank goodness!
But the ugly stage does seem to go on forever.

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