Bantam vs Standard


7 Years
Day 5 here on my journey to edumacate myself on chicken keeping, and through a process of elimination and deduction I am coming to the understanding (cause I am not a slow learner ; ) that Bantam and Standard basically refer to the full gorwn size of a breed. Is this correct? So, in other words, once you choose the breed(s) you would like to work with, then you need to decide whether you want bantam or standard? (or choose size, then breed).

Geesh the stuff I am learning.

Let me ask you, what would make someone choose a Bantam over a standard? Is it merely size of the pen, etc. It seems to me most people have bantams. My gut tells me go BIG. I want a 4 -5 BIG FAT FLUFFY BIRDS with a whole lotta wiggling sass.

I am leaning toward Cuckoo Marans, Buff Orpingtons ...

... and check out this novel novice idea ...

Someone tell me if I am thinking correctly here. (the rest of you stop laughing at me. : )

O.k. so here is my master plan. I am going to get a white Silkie bantam(?) the broodier, the better. ... like ASAP (anyone have any leads?)

She and I are going to spend the next 9 months bonding, and she will be supervising the coop build.

THEN ... I will get 6 eggs for her to sit on around Feb 2013, so they hatch in time for Spring. Thsi way SHE can take care of them, and I don't have to pretend to be a chicken Mommy.

How does this sound? Do you think these big fat, fluffy sassy chicks will take her as a Mom and vice versa?

Then, THAT is it. They will lay eggs, and help me and my Silkie garden.
(and maybe one little tiny bunny) There will be NO hanky panky, therefore no roos.

Does this sound viable?

xoxo Annmarie
Hello and Welcome I am pleased to see you are studying up .. Much of The First point is personal choice size and what you like and enjoy what your purpous is .. I like a few Bantams just because mainly I think they are adorable I Love my little OGB Bantam he just brings me Joy ... But If you like a larger Bird Standard is def the way to go !
As for ordering Eggs .. I hate to be the barrier of bad news usually Just simply will not work like that .. Your Hed will have to be Broody .. She will have to want to sit on the .. A Broody Hen Act differently will want to lay and not get off her heggs she will lay flatter spreading her wings out more. probably be more angry if you try to get her eggs. Many Hens momentarily act Broody half a day or so and then just get up and say ahhh the heck with it .. They actually will not just accept your eggs and become Broody .. Now If you had a hen that was being Broody you can usually slip fertilized eggs under her once she is already sitting .. I would read more on that before ordering Eggs. You might consider just buying some more Mature chicks. you pay more, but then can skip the baby stage .. In the end you would pay the difference in Feed and treats and such any way ~ Hope this helps some .. Keep reading and asking Questions Better to do your research First then try to figure it out after the fact !
Welcome to the Chicken World ~ Corinne
Well. I originally only wanted dual-purpose chickens, large fowl "standard" sized breeds. Big, fluffy butt ladies. Midget chickens, eh, whatever for?

Until I got suckered into responding to a CraigsList ad for Cochins. I totally missed the word "bantam" in it. Once at the farm and seeing the smaller version of Cochin, I was sunk. So added a couple of them to my flock. I have some other bantam breeds now, too. LF or bantam, they all co-exist just fine.

Most folks go for bantams for the savings in space and feed requirements. I mean, they like that, so they don't mind having bantams.

Your silkie plan has one flaw: you cannot schedule when any hen or pullet will go broody. Not even silkies. I know folks who have silkies which have never gone broody, so it can happen to anybody.

Wait for it, THEN procure the hatching eggs.

Many small hens will raise much larger chicks they hatched - even ducklings! (They just don't understand why their funny looking "chicks" want to get INTO the water troughs or puddles!)
Thanks for the quick responses ladies! I am taking everything you are both saying into consideration.

I was thinking that I would help her meditate on a golf ball. You know, really kick up this Chicken Lady thing a notch. Get the neighbors talking. I can see it now; silkie and I burning incense in her run to the melodies of Billie Holiday as the sun comes up in the a.m., looking at nudie pics of the finest roosters. I will just have to have some Cuckoo Maran and Buff Orp breeders on standby for when the moment strikes her. So, we will start in Feb. with the hopes she will be moved to brood somewhere between then and Spring.

If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. We wait until it's meant to be. : )

xoxo Annmarie

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