Bantams eating very little


6 Years
Oct 12, 2017
High Desert, S. CA.
I have 5 bantams. All pullets. Two are 11 week old cochins, one is a 2 yr. old Serama, one Silkie, 18 weeks, 1 sizzle, also 18 weeks. Between all of them, they only eat slightly over 1 cup a day. Seems like such a small amount! Is this normal for bantams?
Seramas don’t eat very much and because Bantams are smaller they don’t need as much food as regular sized Chickens do.
That being said there could still be something wrong. Please answer the questions below and include any other information that you think may Be helpful. Not eating very much can be a variety of things.The more information we have the better idea we can give you of what’s going on if there is a problem.
Do they act normal to you? Do they drink a good amount of water? Are they walking well? Are they scratching and pecking at themselves a lot? Have they always consumed this much or have they just begun eating less? Are they as active as normal?
Thank you Quackers for your reply!

Acting very normal, and yes, they drink probably more than I expected, but then it's been very hot. Walking fine. They do groom on a regular basis, but not excessively. Almost like it's a routine. They have always eaten this small amount. And yes, active as normal.
I have 4 bantams and they hardly eat anything either. Even when they’re in the garden they only seem to peck at a bit of grass or a tiny insect here and there. I see them pecking at their pellets but when I look they’ve hardly taken any. I’m sure they live on fresh air!
I think your chickens are fine, especially if they have always eaten that amount and are acting normally. I’m happy that you where concerned for them though, those chickens are lucky to have an owner who cares so much! :thumbsup

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