
I love our Modern Game Bantams. I have a rooster and 3 hens. The rooster is super loud for such a little thing! They lay eggs the size of a silkie even when the hens are half the size of silkies. They are so much fun. But yeah, fair warning... they can fly super high. Like, they can fly to the roof of a house.
Seramas are thought to be the worlds smallest chickens I have a little roo currently sweetest thing!!!!sits in my pocket while I cook and eat breackfast!

They need special winter care depending n were you live and most of the time have to be separate from normal sized chickens.

But it is worth it there crow sounds like a broken squecky toy!!!!

Can Seramas live in the same coop as Modern Game Bantams and Silkies? Currently, I have both which works out just fine because the Modern Game flies up to the "2nd floor" of the coop whereas the silkies stay on the "1st floor" so they separate themselves out on their own. I have a Modern Game roo and a Silkie roo but they keep out of each other's way. They do try to mount all the hens even when they're not the same breed but so far, I haven't noticed any fighting. I have a bully silkie hen who tries to beat up on the Modern Game hen but the MG just flies up to the top floor where the silkie can't go so it's no big deal. I wonder how Seramas will do with my current flock? I'm really interested in trying these guys out. I found some guy selling Serama chicks for $10 each not too far from my town.
I would separate just because modern game tend yo be aggressive to other breeds and these smaller onres probuly wouldn't do goods.

My modern games are the chillest chicken in my coop. The silkies are more moody. I'm not worried about them though because they can't fly whereas the modern games can just fly on to the 2nd floor of the coop. So yeah, I didn't get the seramas only because I'm worried the silkies will not be nice to them.
Sebrights Roos I find agressive on the ground but fairly docile when handled. My two sebright roos Beavis and Butthead act like that. Easter Egger bantam roos and hens are fairly friendly as well. Although, the hens can get flighty. Brahma Bantams are non-agressive and docile. Japanese Bantams are friendly and sometimes like to be handled. Silkies are usually the most mellow little fluff balls. And Old English Game Bantams are pretty friendly and make amazing broodies.

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