Barbara has this THING....


11 Years
Dec 25, 2008
middle of nowhere Colorado
Sorry can't get a picture because Barbara is just plain cranky most of the time but she has this bulbous THING on her neck. Looks like a giant spider egg sack (Okay, I'm a big time horror reader but it just looks like something that's going to burst and have maggots or spiders spilling out of it). It's loose and wobbly like a bursa filled with fluid and every bit as big as a child's hand. Hasn't affected her being able to eat or drink though she's starting to move a little slower but then she's about five years old by my reckoning. Can anybody hazard a guess as to what this ugly nasty thing on her neck might be and whether it will be problem with the other turkeys and can we still butcher her and eat her?
There is no telling without opening it up. I'm guessing it isn't growing that fast is it? I doubt it spiders or maggots in it. Maybe an alien like in the movie.....or a chupracabra. Like the one that is standing behind you right now.

I know
Shut up Steve
pips&peeps :

Birds don't get runny puss. They have cheese.

...Maggot cheese.

No advice, but if you lance it do be sure to take pics. I want to see.

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