Barely any eggs :-(


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 20, 2013
We have two Rhode Island Reds, two Ameraucanas, one Australorp, one Easter Egger and 6 polish that were all laying eggs pretty regularly. We haven't had but one or two eggs a week for over a month now. On Friday, Sept 4th everyone got a dose of Ivermectin, so at least we haven't had to throw away any eggs since they have a two week withdrawal. There are feathers everywhere, so are we not getting eggs because of them molting? I was told to give them oats mixed with their feed to help them during the molt. Other than the oats they may get some vegetable scraps or fruit scraps, as well as being turned out for about an hour to free range out side of their own coop and yard. I have looked every where and no other eggs can be found, and honestly when they are out they are to busy chasing bugs I think to lay an egg. Thoughts? Thanks!
most hens do not lay when they are molting and they are putting all their efforts into producing new feathers. by increasing protein (black oil sunflower seeds, beans, tuna, cat food), it can help them get through their molt faster. molting can last anywhere between 10 weeks to 6 months.
Okay I will give them some cat food each day and see if that helps and I am will get some sunflower seeds to scatter around as well. Right now the whole flock is on Flock Raiser with 20% protein. I am limiting the number of "treats" that they get as I had heard that they need to get a lot of protein during molt.
My girl who molted most recently was out of production for about a month. But, once she started back up she's been full steam ahead. I'm sure they'll start to lay again before long. We still gave our girl treats (meal worms) and scraps as well as feeding flock raiser, which we give to all our girls.

Good luck!
I was just about to post the same question! I have 8 hens that range in age from 8 months to 3 years. They were laying so many eggs that I was giving them away up until about July. Then all of a sudden production has been completely shut down. Not even 1 egg and I've looked everywhere! I'm really tired of buying eggs and I keep trying to convince my husband to stop sharpening up his cleaver! Yes, there are feathers everywhere but still....over 3 months???? Getting tired of buying feed with nothing to show for it. At least you are getting something even if it is one egg/wk! A 6 month molt for ALL of them would be a little extreme. GRRRRRR
I was just about to post the same question! I have 8 hens that range in age from 8 months to 3 years. They were laying so many eggs that I was giving them away up until about July. Then all of a sudden production has been completely shut down. Not even 1 egg and I've looked everywhere! I'm really tired of buying eggs and I keep trying to convince my husband to stop sharpening up his cleaver! Yes, there are feathers everywhere but still....over 3 months???? Getting tired of buying feed with nothing to show for it. At least you are getting something even if it is one egg/wk! A 6 month molt for ALL of them would be a little extreme. GRRRRRR

you should still be getting some eggs from your hens as not all should be molting. the annual molt usually does not start for laying hens until they are 16-18 months of age. I would suspect that there is something else going on. With the day light hours becoming few that can make the egg production slow some. An egg eater could also be the culprit for no eggs. Broodiness is also something that would stop a hen from laying.
This past weekend we found a nest of 15 eggs that our Rhode Island Red was laying. She was flying over the yard fence and laying the eggs behind a pallet in the hay barn. Sneaky girl! I messed up her nest and put a brick where she was laying and that discouraged her from laying there, but she is still flying the yard fence and laying an egg in another area in the hay barn. Why does she have to sneak off by herself to lay her egg? With that said, that is only one chicken, we were still missing a lot of eggs, and now I know why! Someone was stealing them! Tuesday and Wednesday I was in the coop at noon and there were two eggs in there and then at night they were gone. Didn't think it was a "critter" as there were no animal tracks, no cracked shells, and my babies were still alive. So I put up a sign on the coop gate that I didn't appreciate them stealing our eggs and if they had been eating them they should see the doctor because the chickens were given antibiotics and worming medicine that made their eggs unsafe to eat, which was true for the last month we couldn't eat them. Yesterday we had 4 eggs when I checked on them in the evening! So, looks like they quit stealing them! Hoping between the extra protein for breakfast (giving them a warm mash with oceanfish cat food and oats along with their feed) and the thief staying away we can get some more eggs. Now if I can just convince my red to stay in the yard, things will be good!
I had 1 hen that would fly over our 4ft fence to go lay her egg by the side of our garage. She would lay her egg, then pace the gate and squawk at us until we let her back in. I fixed that problem by keeping all the chickens locked up until the afternoon for a few days in a row and it cured her of it. I had even placed an addition 2 ft fence on top of the 4ft and it didn't help but keeping them locked up later sure did.

That is crazy that someone was stealing your eggs. As for chickens eating the eggs, they can without leaving a trace. Just yesterday my DH looked out and saw the girls running around with something in their mouths, turns out it was an egg and the only thing I saw was part of the egg white, the rest including the shell was gone.
wow, didn't think they would pick an egg clean, thought for sure I would find something showing they had eaten it. But I am still guessing it was someone stealing the eggs. Once I put that sign up we have been getting eggs again. Oh and I also added two feet to our 4 ft fence and no one has been escaping.
I can not believe someone would steal your eggs. I mean, really. Once production is up, we all have so many that we're giving them away. And to not leave you any??? That's just not right.

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