Barn conversion


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 13, 2013
I have a 24 x 24 barn with a dirt floor that I am planning to convert into a coop for my 25 layers (I go pick them up on April 9th). The only issue I am having a hard time with is how to predator proof the outside edges of the barn. There are gaps in places between the ground and the bottom of the metal siding. Any ideas on how to predator proof this without digging a trench all the way around to bury wire?
How well would you be able to install an apron? That’s where you attach maybe an 18” to 24” wide strip of wire to the bottom of the barn and lay it out horizontal. You don’t really need to bury it, just lay something on top to hold it down until the grass can grow through it, but a lot of people like to take up maybe 2” of sod, put the wire down, and put the sod back. That keeps it out of the way of lawn mowers and weed whackers.

The idea is that a predator comes up to the barn wall, tries to dig, hits the wire, and does not know to back up. Whether or not it would help you depends on how big your gap is.
The gap is probably 4" at it's widest. I don't mow around the barn currently so the grass is pretty thick.

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