Barnes & Noble NOOK ebook reader anyone own one? Or any ebook???

I have a Kindle, too.

It's awesome. After looking at practically all of them, I decided Kindle was no. 1 for a reason. Their customer service has been top notch. They have replaced our Kindle twice now, no questions asked, when my husband broke it.

It seems like they are pretty similar though.
I have a nook on the way. I decided to go with the nook because you can get books from several places just not B&N. Open sources, e-publish, etc.
I have a Nook, love it. I chose that over the Kindle mostly since the battery in the Nook is replaceable; Kindle it is not. I also got the extended service plan because I am klutzy.
I have the Nook.. I love it!
YOu can get tons of free books.. Just type in the search box.. $0.00 , and lots of free books will pop up for you to choose from
Ok im going to get me one Thank you all for your replies

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