Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

I see what I guess is 1 roo and 2 pullets there! Can't see the chests of the other ones tho.
Thanks, I should look them all over later or tomorrow and see, I think 3-4 are pullets based on their winds but I should see how that matches up to their chest colors. I'm not keeping any boys from this hatch :( hoping someone around here wants them :-/
Im new to all of this and dont have any roos yet. I just started hatching tho so have been thinking about getting one. My husband is afraid they'll be aggressive, but I tried to explain thats why Im sticking with dual purpose. :p Aggressive equals stew.
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Hi everyone,
I am from northeastern ohio. This is my first time with Barnevelders. I ordered 5 b/b/s double laced narnevelders from blue house farm. Out of the 5 i have 4 roosters. One is splash i am not positive on others yet. They are 4 weeks old. If anyone is searching for a rooster in my area please let me know!!
Hi! So I have 7 chicks that are getting close to two weeks, anyone willing to look at them and guess genders? I have such a hard time with waiting and I thought some great eyes might see something :)
Once mine turned 3 weeks it was obvious who was who. Males got really red swedish flower hens on the other hand are 5 weeks and i still am not sure
good luck. Hope you have a better outcome than me...1 female and 4 males lol.
I would love to see pics!

i'm guessing girls?
I'm guessing boys?
They're 2/3? Weeks I can't remember off the top of my head it's been a long week... They're growing though. They're miffed here because I took off their leg bands that were keeping them not mixed in with the mix breed chicks we hatched. They're separate now though, and I will pull the cockerels when I'm sure so they're spread out over a few large brooders. I'm pretty pleased since we've only managed to get 7 chicks from them so far but I hope in a few days I can tell for sure!!

Once mine turned 3 weeks it was obvious who was who. Males got really red swedish flower hens on the other hand are 5 weeks and i still am not sure
good luck. Hope you have a better outcome than me...1 female and 4 males lol.
sorry you got so many males :( better one pullet than none though I guess :-/ I can't tell with some breeds for ages though and it's sooo annoying... Soo annoying... I have 14 mix breed chicks that I cannot tell ... It's one of two options... They're ALL rock x Sussex and the brown and gray ones are pullets and the striped ones are cockerels... Or the brown ones are those and the striped ones are rock x rock... But I'm looking at them growing out and I think they might all be from the Sussex hens... They for sure all have the same dad so that's something ... Maddening lol. But they all look sussex esque lol

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