Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed


I didn't realize you were Mountain Ridge Poultry! (I'm new to the board). I was the one who commented on your homemade incubator on your facebook page. Nice to see you here too! An update on the Incukit DC... after a couple hours to install it into my cooler and make some adjustments, it is holding STEADY. I'm very happy with it. So simple to use. Hopefully it lasts. I do wonder if the heat elements are too close to the circuit board, we'll see. I have set my first test hatch using some local eggs that were given to me. If all goes well, I'd like to set my first Barnie eggs this year.

Your blue roo is beautiful. It's really interesting to see a side by side of imported stock and stock that was bred in the US. I am trying to learn more about genetics and breeding of chickens. It amazes me to see what people have done to create their own line without imported colors. I'm wishing I paid more attention to genetics in my biology classes.

Let me know how the DC kit works out. I have the 225 watt incukit and have recently found what seems to be a reliable digital thermometer. I got a Brinsea spot check it reads any little change in temp very quickly and is sold as having a + - .2 degree accuracy. I actually use an egg to check temps with. I make a small hole in the top of the egg and insert the temp probe in the egg itself, my bator and hatcher read 99.5 on the nose. My last hatch was awesome I have little chipmunks running everywhere. My incukit in the bator and hatcher are both preset at 99.5 I had to lower the one in the hatcher a bit but it was close. Thank you for the kudos on my roo, out of 5 he made the mark. Don't over think your breeding it'll come to you. My best selections have been made while just sitting in an Adirondack chair with a glass of muscadine juice and just watching my chickens be chickens. That's funny the spell check wanted to change muscadine to mescaline....well anyway I think I kept everything within bounds this time xoxox to the mods.
Don't over think your breeding it'll come to you. My best selections have been made while just sitting in an Adirondack chair with a glass of muscadine juice and just watching my chickens be chickens. That's funny the spell check wanted to change muscadine to mescaline....well anyway I think I kept everything within bounds this time xoxox to the mods.

Good thing you don't have auto spellcheck... I might think it necessary to consult a shaman when choosing breeding stock! Kidding aside, I appreciate the good advice. I went to the Heirloom Expo in Santa Rosa, CA last year and a man named Jim Adkins gave a few talks on heritage poultry. He couldn't say it enough, that "your eyes are your best tool" when it comes to breeding to the standard. Thankfully chicken-watching is so enjoyable!

Color, type, egg color and other physical attributes are discussed quite a bit on BYC boards(maybe because they are easiest things to critique from photos) but I think behavior can be equally important. From what I've read, Barnevelders are a docile and friendly breed, because of their Asiatic breed influence. Also they are said to be hardy and alert foragers. Have you found this to be true? What personality/behavioral traits do you like to see in your birds? This question goes out to anyone breeding Barnevelders.

The incukit is going strong. Glad to hear you've had such success with yours. I was thinking I should try a baggie filled with water to wrap around the sensor. When you use an egg, do you have any problems with bacteria? After reading about "exploding eggs" I am a bit paranoid!
Hi, has anybody been able to join the barnevelder yahoo group? I went to join and submitted my request, but I have yet to hear back?

Thank you.

The yahoo Barnevelder group owner has not been active or responding to emails for a long time now. He hasn't been active on facebook either. I think he had some health issues too.

Hey guys, I'm narrowing down the breeds I'm focusing on and I've decided to let my Bantam Barnevelders go. One cock, one hen, and 5 young pullets available. I'm in Milwaukie, Oregon. Due to recent events some of you may know about, I have to have all of my birds off of my property by 3/19 and I don't have a place for the Barnies so sadly these great guys need to go. I don't really have a set price on these guys, so make an offer I would just like to see them go to a breeding home. PM me if you are interested!

5 month Pulletyear old Hen

Year old Cock

4 month Pullet
Hey guys, I'm narrowing down the breeds I'm focusing on and I've decided to let my Bantam Barnevelders go. One cock, one hen, and 5 young pullets available. I'm in Milwaukie, Oregon. Due to recent events some of you may know about, I have to have all of my birds off of my property by 3/19 and I don't have a place for the Barnies so sadly these great guys need to go. I don't really have a set price on these guys, so make an offer I would just like to see them go to a breeding home. PM me if you are interested!

5 month Pulletyear old Hen

Year old Cock

4 month Pullet

These are the bantam barnevelders I was planning to buy, but I had some family issues come up and won't have my coop and run done in time. I hope they find a good home with someone here on BYC! Julia has been great to work with.

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