Barnevelders & Welsomers

Here is a photo of the eggs my Welsummer laid this week. She has been laying for a year now. Some are darker than others, but none are dark chocolate brown. I like her eggs more due to the speckles than the color.

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My Welsummer also lays medium brown eggs with speckles. I’m not sure any of them lay dark brown eggs. They are very pretty though
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I think there's going to be alot of influence as to where you get them from. A breeder that focuses on egg colour vs a breeder only focusing on looks vs a hatchery.
Some of my Barnevelder eggs. Marked eggs are not Barnevelders.
I have a welsummer whose eggs also are speckled, and relatively dark, but not as dark as my Penedesencas', which is another breed to look out for if you want dark brown eggs. This was laid by the best one from that perspective, and she's been laying them with a colour like this since 18th January - usually coloured eggs get lighter as the season goes on and their resources get depleted.
Pu's egg end 2nd season.jpg

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