Barred Breed & Gender Guess


Jun 14, 2015
We had two eggs hatch that were given to us. I am guessing that they are barnyard mixes. The eggs were supposed to have been cochins, polish or silkies. The first one has some feathering on it's legs and 5 I am thinking silkie mix? So any guess on breed or gender on these two?

5 toes, some feathering on legs. Thinking maybe a cockerel?

Clean legged, 4 toes. Pullet?

Thanks in advance! :)
They look like barred rock crossed with salmon faverolle. I think your gender guesses look right, a rooster and pullet.
Thanks for the reply @oldhenlikesdogs I was hoping I was many roos around here. Surprisingly enough our top roo leaves him alone. Which normally he isn't very accepting of other males. That is why I was hoping possibly we had two pullets.
Agree, a cockerel and a pullet.

I can see the silkie characteristics in him, but not first generation, more like a mix of mixes.

She's pretty generic looking, no traits of those breeds listed. But she's a pullet, that counts for something!

Your older rooster probably just doesn't see this little guy as a challenge yet. You may be fine through the winter, but come spring when his hormones start flowing, they will have issues with each other.
I'm still going with the Favorelle cross. Comb, beard, leg color, leg feathers, and fifth toe on the male are good indicators.

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