barred cochin bamtam over ???

Yep, If you have a barred rooster with all of the hens that you listed, all of the first generation offspring would be Blue Barred or Black Barred. ( The males would only have one copy of barring though and would be light colored like the hens.

If you kept them separted and knew which ones were from the solid BBS hens and if you bred them with each other. ( Barred F1 roo on Barred F1 hen) then half of the female offspring from that cross would be BBS without barring, the other half of the the females and all of the males would be BBS Barred.

From the onces from the Blue and Black Mottled hens would be the same as the ones without mottling, but these F1s will carry one copy of mottling so in the second generation if you were to breed F1 to F1, then a quarter of those offspring would be mottled regardless of sex and weather or not they are barred, so you could have barring and mottling in the same bird.

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