Barred Rock Hen Acting Strange


Mar 21, 2015
Hey all! Just out of nowhere the past couple of days our sweet Barred Rock hen has started acting strange. She is eating and drinking but she is not her normal self. She is usually my most active, noisy hen and she has been quite the opposite. Waddling slow, low quiet squawk, etc. Today when they went in the coop she went to a corner and laid down. I went out with a banana to see how she would react and she ate it and raced the others for bites which is promising. But something is definitely up. We are first time owners and not sure where to start. The list of things it could be is overwhelming. Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!!
Update: she's going down hill fast. She's not eating or drinking. I have her in our bathroom so hopefully I can get a little stool sample. She's not passing any though. She's just standing there in the bathtub. :-( We just don't know what we are looking for.
Okay she pooped and it was water with brown particles. We are headed to TSC to get antibiotics. We have probiotics and electrolytes we will put in her water. Not sure what else to do or look for. Hoping someone chimes in here soon with some advice. :)
Can you use a rubber glove, and poke a finger into her vent to check for a stuck egg? If you suspect she may be egg bound, then confine her to a warm humid area such as a spare bathroom with the shower running. Give a dose of calcium, such as a calcium tablet dissolved in water, or a Tums tablet by mouth or in some yogurt. Give her some vitamins with electrolytes such as SaveAChick or Rooster Booster. Feed her a little chopped egg or some canned tuna in addition to her normal feed. Is she over a year or two old?
Well she hasn't started laying yet but that thought did cross my mind because she does seem to be waddling. She is almost 20 weeks.
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We've dissolved a tums in her water because she wouldn't eat it. I crushed it in yogurt but practically had to force her to eat it. We also and gave her a warm bath. I have no idea if she is egg bound but we are acting as if she to be safe. So she is getting calcium, probiotics and electrolytes. Hopefully one of those will help her recover from whatever is going on.
Hope she recovers. I just lost my barred rock. Her last couple of stools were watery with brown pellet size stools in it. Other than that she was completely normal. She laid an egg the day she died. She was eating, etc. In the morning she was dead. Wish I knew what happened.
if she is wattling she had a egg bound but her in warm water if not she has around 24 or 48 intill SHES died good luck!
We've dissolved a tums in her water because she wouldn't eat it. I crushed it in yogurt but practically had to force her to eat it. We also and gave her a warm bath. I have no idea if she is egg bound but we are acting as if she to be safe. So she is getting calcium, probiotics and electrolytes. Hopefully one of those will help her recover from whatever is going on.

Have you inserted a finger into her vent yet? Egg binding could be the problem. Coccidiosis also may be a possibility. The symptoms are lethargy, standing hinched or puffed up, diarrhea or blood in droppings, and refusal to eat. Corid (amprollium) is the treatment in the water for 5 days. It won't hurt her to treat with Corid if you are unsure.

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