Barred Rock, Just Darker?


5 Years
Jun 8, 2014
Soooo, my Mom and Dad watched my daughter last night to give me a break and guess what they found at the hardware store? Chicken math attacked my Dad as well, lol! He said he wanted to replace the gals I lost and threw in one more for good measure.

They said there were four different kinds but only remembered Barred Rocks and RIRs. Until I can make it into town to see for myself, I wanted to see opinions.

This one has a small spot on her head and a teeny bit of color in her wings. Is she a BR with less color or what?



This is what I'm familiar with BRs looking like. This is what my first babies looked like.


And our new RIR, just because. :)

Also, any guesses on age? 1-1 1/2 weeks?


I would definatly say shes a Plymouth Rock of some sort. Although she is pretty dark. Maybe she's a different color variety of Plymouth rock? This is what my Barred Rock looked like as a chick...
So I think she looks a bit more like my Barred rock then the one you had. But yea I would definatly say Barred Rock. And I think your age estimate is about right probably about a week old. The pick above was when she was a two days old.
Thanks guys! I didn't know Plymouth Rocks had different color variations. :p

The lighter BR looks just like the two pullets I got back in April, so its likely female also, right? I've been reading a lot about smaller dots being pullets and larger dots being cockerels. In this case, she has a larger dot?

Chickens are more complex than I realized! :lol:
It has too much white to be a black australorpe correct? They don't have white dots....
White on the head means barred. She's probably just a wonky colored hatchery bird who may be darker, or may feather out like any other barred Rock hen.
As far as gender goes you really cant tell till they get a good bit older. Two chicks may look the exact same but one may be a boy and the other a girl. You just cant tell except on a few specific breeds.

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