Barred Rock Male or female?

The chick has way too much white to be a Black sex link. Kind of looks like a Black Orpington chick. Could be a Australorp? (I don't think so, but possible)
It does look a bit like a sex link chicken, but I am no expert. I would guess hen for it though. I am definitely not super sure though.

There is also white in the wings
If there is no spot it is not a barred rock. You may have a black sex link pullet.

X2 on that. Male Black Sex Link chicks look like Barred Rock chicks right down to the white spot on top of the head. Female Black Sex Link chicks are colored the same, but the top of the head is solid black.
My vote is Australorp. They'll have some white wing feathers as babies, but then later turn all black.

Definitely not a Barrred Rock
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Both of the Black sex link chicks I raised were totally black. No white feathers came in at all. I don't think she's a Barred rock either though.
That is a black Australorp we had a chick that looked just like it and it is to young to tell

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