Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

Here they are at 24 days. Feathers coming in for the pink one. Do we think pink is girl or are they both Roos?
Both pullets.(But Update Again later on, both genders can look similar at that age?)

They just got crisp barring. Bars of better quality females tend to be abit lighter then typical hatchery stock Barred Rocks.

Here's a Heritage Plymouth Barred Rock Pullet.
Here's a cockerel.

Here's a Heritage Plymouth Barred Rock Hen with lighter barring for a better example of crispness.
I don't have pictures of her younger.
Both pullets.(But Update Again later on, both genders can look similar at that age?)

They just got crisp barring. Bars of better quality females tend to be abit lighter then typical hatchery stock Barred Rocks.

Here's a Heritage Plymouth Barred Rock Pullet. View attachment 3806574Here's a cockerel. View attachment 3806575
Here's a Heritage Plymouth Barred Rock Hen with lighter barring for a better example of crispness.
I don't have pictures of her younger. View attachment 3806581
how old was she in her pics? I was convinced the blue was a boy because of the chest bumping and now I’m not sure because of your photos & knowledge 😭
Another week down. The comb of the blue is ever so slightly pinker than the other.. but it always has been. The blue is taking longer to feather up than the pink. Neither really have tails in yet- just a few feathers.

I’ve seen this infographic doing the social media rounds where if you hold a chick by its feet; if it flaps a few times & gives up its supposedly a female but if it keeps fighting it’s a male. I gently did this: pink flapped a few times then gave up, blue didn’t even put up a fight 🤷‍♀️


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Keep an eye on head gear coloration. Cockerels will turn pinkish sooner, pullets don't start coloring up until nearing point of lay. Cockerels sometimes get larger legs and feet. They will chest bump to sort out pecking order.
I still kinda think blue is a cockerel and pink is a pullet. Blue's got some wattles peeking out there...
The blue is the one I’m guessing the most. It was the smallest by 10 grams (made me think girl) and then caught up by week 2 (made me think boy). It was the bully in the group (made me think boy) but that has now stopped.. it used to kick up a fuss when held but now it’s starting to settle down.. it’s also comparatively slower to feather than the other (i think a boy trait?) & has larger width bars. It will be very interesting to see.

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