Barred Rock Sick


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 9, 2011
Got chicken problems this morning. My barred rock (Rocki) that I barely saved from Coccidiosis last year and who has never laid since came out of the roost this morning fluffed up, grayed comb, listless and not eating. I went to pick her up (had to check for bound egg, which there wasn't) she projectile vomited liquid. She also has a bit of a runny nose. I have quarantined her again. Think there's any hope?
There is always hope. Isolation is a good step, electrolytes won't hurt if you can get them down her. The gray comb tells me there is a blood flow issue. There are so many things that can go wrong with our chickens it is hard to tell.

Check crop, is it empty, swollen, hard, etc?
Check lower abdomen for protrusions, lumps
Check entire body for injury, Feet, legs,

See if she will eat anything. I usually cook up an egg for my sick ones, all the good stuff in them can perk them up, along with electrolytes.

Good luck.
I am anxious to hear the answers because I also have a sick chicken. Do we know what usually causes the vomiting? I have only seen that a few times?
When you say electrolytes, what kind? Can I use the liquid kind like you get for children or is there a special form available for poultry? Also, I heard garlic might help. Anyone know how to give it (chopped in food or steeped and added to water)?
There are many reasons why a chicken vomits: See the link below.

I suspect the following possibilities in your hen; mucus build up due to some type of infection, impacted crop or gizzard, capillary worms in the crop lining, cocci reinfection...or a combination of any of these. I'm leaning towards capillary worms or cocci due to her appearance that you described. I recommend that you take a fresh fecal sample to a vet and they will test for cocci and worm oocysts. Then you can treat accordingly with either if that's the case. If it's impacted crop/gizzard, I recommend tube feeding her tomato juice.
When you say electrolytes, what kind? Can I use the liquid kind like you get for children or is there a special form available for poultry? Also, I heard garlic might help. Anyone know how to give it (chopped in food or steeped and added to water)?

Yes you can use pedialyte (some people use gatorade). I usually get the powder under vairous names, quik chik, or the like.

Other than that, I would trust the advice of the person with 6+ years of experience

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