Barred Rock thread!!

But, I didn't think they came in yellow chicky fluff???
Me either lol I'm thinking the person I got the eggs off had labelled some of the eggs wrong! So unsure what they are now!

This is Fiona at six months - she is Miss Personality, very curious and unafraid. She started laying at 5 months. We got her in January of this year and raised her up from little chickie. She is our number 2 (pecking order) hen. Rosie, our RIR, is top chicken. Followed by a Jewel, our Speckled Sussex, Blue, our Amercauna/Easter Egger? and Marigold and Buttercup, two BO chicks.
Lost one of two of my barred rocks tonight. She didn't make it back home :-( her sis is sleeping out in the run crying. Won't go in the roost with the others. I am heartbroken.

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