Barred Rocks and Cuckoo Marans


14 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Yarmouth, Maine
Any way to tell apart these chicks? I have chicks hatched a few days ago and should have a few of each but they all look the same to me-- black with little spots on their heads! Also the Speckled Sussex and the RIR's? Any tips for distinguishing the two would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Any way to tell apart these chicks? I have chicks hatched a few days ago and should have a few of each but they all look the same to me-- black with little spots on their heads! Also the Speckled Sussex and the RIR's? Any tips for distinguishing the two would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Pics would help tremendously
Ok all the feet look yellowish --including the bottoms? But per my order I should have 1 or 2 Silver Cuckoo Marans in there.
Here they all are from the top:






I'm glad you posted this. I'm having a similar problem-- I KNOW that I have at least 1 barred rock and several cuckoo marans, but their feet are all similar. Do the marans feet turn pinkish as they age?

Kellykate, on your chicks, some of the beaks are black and some are pinkish. I haven't paid attention on my chicks, but I'll look tonight. Is beak color a tell-tale sign of one or the other???
hmmm --that is interesting! I'll have to look at the beak color --maybe that will help! As for chick 5 --i'll have to go investigate-- if she has cheeks they aren't as big as the other EE's I have but the pea comb would definitely not be a maran or rock!
I looked on My Pet Chicken (they have photos of chicks next to the breed description) and I can't see that barred rock chicks legs look different than the cuckoo marans chick legs. And their beaks looked similar as well. I'm still stumped.
White/pink toes = Marans
Yellow toes = Rocks

Your birds (save the random EE), are Rocks unless your camera is adding yellow to their toes that isn't there.

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