Barred Rocks Good Shepard Poulty Ranch

My boy was 9 months old. He isn't even breeding yet. Lol. Not used to this slow development. Good thing he is good looking or I think he would be gone. He is so awkwardly huge too. He kinda walks like a duck. :)
Because I cannot have a rooster where I reside currently,I purchase hatching eggs from Jeremy Woeppel in's his website
These pullets are from his stock. He also sells some chicks and started stock...March/April...he has a waiting list...if you are unable to get on the list for eggs this season, then see if you can get some juvenile stock in late Fall perhaps.
My GSBR are calmer birds that I can walk amongst, but do not want to be picked up. They will eat scratch from my hand. The lone cockerel is crowing and mating since about 6-7 months, and at almost 8 months has not been aggressive. (Overall he's the quietest guy I've ever kept.) I've made no attempt to make pets of them. Unlike some of my chickens that run to the coop when I toss food in the pen, the Rocks run to it.
I raised this guy in a pen with 9 other cockerels and 6 pullets, all from the same hatch. I never separated them. Part of the reason I kept him instead of his brothers was that he was faster maturing, quicker growth and faster feathering. In "The Mating and Breeding of Poultry" (Lamon and Slocum) which many people believe relays the breeding advice of EB Thompson himself, they state that the cockerel should be matured by 7 months. I know that slow feathering is related to fine barring, but I tend to place a higher value on utility. He hatched on 5/28/13 and on 1/22/13 he weighed 8 lbs 11 oz. Interestly I've never seen him mate with his hatchmate GSBR pullets. He favors a couple Black Copper Marans pullets that I put in the pen at about 5 months. They were three weeks older but smaller than the Rock pullets. He may be mating the Rock pullets or due to their own size may be giving him the brush off.
Thanks for the input. I have previously email'd Jeremy but unfortunately, no response back. I am attending the ABA Nationals this weekend and hope to be bringing a barred pullet back to breed with my 10 month old cockerel (Albritton Bloodline).

Thanks for the input. I have previously email'd Jeremy but unfortunately, no response back. I am attending the ABA Nationals this weekend and hope to be bringing a barred pullet back to breed with my 10 month old cockerel (Albritton Bloodline).


Try messaging him on here...his username is JWhip. It may take him a few days, but he has always answered his messages here on the forum as far as I know.

Also, if you want eggs, Frank Reese of Good Shepard is selling those directly: He won't sell chicks, but will sell adult birds in some breeds (prices depend on quality). Here is a link to his 2013 sales list:

I emailed him and it took him a couple days, but he responded to my request and I just mailed him a check for a dozen Barred Rock and a dozen Cornish eggs yesterday.
I just found my first egg from the pullets hatched 5/28/12. That's 34 weeks and 4 days but who's counting. Weighed 53g or 1 7/8 oz.. I think that qualifies as a USDA medium. Not bad for the first egg. The late spring hatch no doubt delayed things.
Quote: No chicks???? It has prices for chicks????? Better get on the eggs then ASAP. They take so darn long to grow I need to get them going.....

Could it be he does not SHIP chicks? They guy that posted that lives close to him and could pick them up.
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No chicks???? It has prices for chicks????? Better get on the eggs then ASAP. They take so darn long to grow I need to get them going.....

Could it be he does not SHIP chicks? They guy that posted that lives close to him and could pick them up.
it's been my experience that Jeremy does ship eggs, chicks, started and adults (pairs/trios etc) as well. It just does not list info on his website. I do know he has a "list" perhaps it's a waiting list...he may offer mostly to those on the "list". He's definitely done me right thus far.
Mrs Magoo,

Thanks for the heads up with Rocks as well. I did speak with Mr. Reese. Real decent guy to talk poultry with. Dirt Farmer, what part of Cailfornia are you in??? I believe the show this weekend should be around 3800 birds in Stockton. Should be fun and packed with quality birds.

Mrs Magoo,

Thanks for the heads up with Rocks as well. I did speak with Mr. Reese. Real decent guy to talk poultry with. Dirt Farmer, what part of Cailfornia are you in??? I believe the show this weekend should be around 3800 birds in Stockton. Should be fun and packed with quality birds.

Chris, I used to live in northern Cali....moved to AZ in 2011...Stockton most definitely ROCKS!! I may have to go visit my friends back in Cali next year and hit that show again (-8

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