Barred Rocks Good Shepard Poulty Ranch

thanks for trying on the LF', that's too bad that BR LF's did not have many entrants...such great birds too...perhaps because there are so few to meet truly meet standard or just that those who breed don't really show much...what are your thoughts? did u see any New Hamps? Dorkings? There were probably plenty of RIR's LF's? All in all did you enjoy the show? Learn anything new? Thanks!
There were only 4 LF BR at the show and they disappeared before I came back to snap a photo. Below is a Bantam Cock (Durgin) and Pullet (not sure, apologies). I switched cars at the last minute and left my camera behind. Had to settle for a phone.

You can click on the picture to enlarge it.
thanks for trying on the LF', that's too bad that BR LF's did not have many entrants...such great birds too...perhaps because there are so few to meet truly meet standard or just that those who breed don't really show much...what are your thoughts? did u see any New Hamps? Dorkings? There were probably plenty of RIR's LF's? All in all did you enjoy the show? Learn anything new? Thanks!
I'm not sure why there wasn't a bigger showing of BR, there were numberous White Rock exhibitors. (It was the Plymouth Rock Fanciers Club of America National). There were a few very nice New Hampshires. No Dorkings and yes, plenty of RIR. It was an enjoyable show and it expanded into another building this year, making the sales area less congested. I learned my GSBR still look good to me after coming home. Took some pictures this morning.

I'm not sure why there wasn't a bigger showing of BR, there were numberous White Rock exhibitors. (It was the Plymouth Rock Fanciers Club of America National). There were a few very nice New Hampshires. No Dorkings and yes, plenty of RIR. It was an enjoyable show and it expanded into another building this year, making the sales area less congested. I learned my GSBR still look good to me after coming home. Took some pictures this morning.

They certainly do look good...from one proud GSBR owner to another!!
Dirt Guy,

I have to agree with you on the low turn out of Barred Rock Large Fowl at Stockton. I thought there would be at least 12-15 birds shown. I was able to pick up a pair of breeders from Tony Albritton. I like the cockerel, a little young but has solid color, decent top and some filling in to do.

Dirt Guy,

I have to agree with you on the low turn out of Barred Rock Large Fowl at Stockton. I thought there would be at least 12-15 birds shown. I was able to pick up a pair of breeders from Tony Albritton. I like the cockerel, a little young but has solid color, decent top and some filling in to do.

Chris, Congrats on the BR's...what strain or line(s)?? Did you happen to see any of Tony's other bird his wyandottes?? I know he's a master breeder and i think hall of famer for points too...i was thinking of trying a few of his Dottes...have not seen any pics..just have his flyer on available breeds. thx
I believe Tony's birds come from Tom Wheeler in the Midwest. But, yes, he does have some nice Large Wyandottes. He has several breeds of large fowl, Sussex, Silver Leghorns which looked pretty awesome at the show. I am glad I was able to purchase the Barreds from him since he was selling out. He usually sells chicks so you may be able to have him ship you some started birds.

I believe Tony's birds come from Tom Wheeler in the Midwest. But, yes, he does have some nice Large Wyandottes. He has several breeds of large fowl, Sussex, Silver Leghorns which looked pretty awesome at the show. I am glad I was able to purchase the Barreds from him since he was selling out. He usually sells chicks so you may be able to have him ship you some started birds.

Chris, thanks much for the info...I may email tony about some started Dotte pullets...I would love to see some photos of your newly purchased BR breeders from Tony, if you get a chance.

As an aside, Jeremy Woeppel graciously ran (at my request) the 2 pullets with one of his roosters before he shipped them to me...they started laying about 4 days after they arrived here in AZ...I confirmed fertility soon after...collecting what they lay and setting them with a batch of 24 of Jeremy's German line crossed onto GS American line NH's this Friday....fingers crossed they keep laying and that they go on to develop...would like to get a few more pullets and if a cockerel comes with it, I may sell a pair or just the cockerel if breeding quality.

Has anyone had any difficulties with hatching their GSBR’s? Fertility has been high and the eggs make it all the way to lock-down but then nothing. I have hatched maybe 5 chicks out of about 2 dozen so far but then having to help 2 of the 5 out of the shell. Some of them have even peeped but then die. All these eggs were set along with my RIR’s and NH’s and those chicks are all hatching fine.

Any thoughts on this?

This is my first year hatching my BR’s. I bought chicks from two different breeders who both had the same line, in fact one of the breeders got his start from the other breeder that mine came from. All my birds are about 10 and 11 months old right now and the eggs are all nice size. I still have a bunch of eggs in the incubator and I’m setting more tonight but I might have to go move some birds around in my breeding pens and see if that helps if this continues.

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions,


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